Another Fuso Canter 615 Factory Tipper hits the streets!!
Congratulations to Ben from Kustom Carpentry Queensland who took delivery of this little workhorse, from Andrew Kempers & the whole team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Once again thank you to our good friends at Auto Accessory Solutions for getting the Tailgate Conversion, Towbar and De-Rate all completed within a week meant we were able to go from sign up to delivery within 7 working days! It doesn't get any better than that.
How Good!!
You have to love seeing a build coming together and the joy it brings to the client when they take delivery of their new Canter 4x4 Crew Cab.
Alloy Dropside Tray from Reynolds Equipment. ✔️
Super Singles Conversion, Winch Compatible Bullbar, Winch Compatible Towbar, Upgraded Passenger Stratos Seat & Centre Console, Radiator & Diff Guards and Raised Breather Kit all from All Terrain Warriors. ✔️
Electric Brakes & Anderson Plugs from Auto Accessory Solutions. ✔️
Financed through Daimler Trucks Financial Services. ✔️
Congratulations to Chris Moreland on his new truck 🎉. It was an absolute pleasure getting this beast on the road, from Andrew Kempers and the whole team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Check out ACD Trade’s brilliant looking New Canter 615 Wide Cabs fitted with 6 Pallet Curtainside Bodies & Dhollandia Loaders from Alltruck Bodies Pty Ltd. I can’t wait to see these on the road.
Full Maintained Operating Leases through Daimler Trucks Financial Services is a great way to manage your fleet.
Thank you to Rodney and the whole team from ACD Trade for your business and allowing us to help finding a solution for you.
New Year, New Truck! Jafar picking up his brand-new Fuso Canter 515 Wide Cab 6Sp Duonic, fitted with Alloy Tray with customised high dropsides and towbar from Reynolds Equipment then finished off with Canvas Seat Covers and Rubber Floor Mats. Financed through Daimler Trucks Financial Services.
Thank you, Jafar, from Andrew and the Team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations to Debbie and Mark on their New Fuso Canter 615 Factory Tipper 6Sp Duonic. Kitted out with Towbar, UHF and Beacon Light from Auto Accessory Solutions. What a great way to start to a new venture! Wishing you great success and can’t wait to assist you as the fleet grows, from Andrew and the Team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
We love seeing a proud new owner. Leonie has recently started a lawncare business in Emerald QLD and purchased this Canter 615 Duonic Factory Tipper to make her life easier. We wish you all the very best in your new venture! Thanks again from Simon Smith and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
There is something special about seeing an excited family pick up a new toy (albeit Dad’s work truck) just before Christmas 🎄
Congratulations to Antonio on taking delivery of this beast of a Canter FG 4x4 Crew with custom white powder coated alloy tray from MNF 4x4. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing photos of any adventures you may have in the beast over the Christmas break.
Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations to Darvid from DG Gardens on taking delivery of this neat little Fuso Canter 615 Factory Tipper. We’re stoked that you’re happy with it and sure will work well for you in your business.
Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane
Congratulations to Josh and the team at Onshore Oils on taking delivery of this very tidy Canter 815 fitted out with a Bullbar from Ultimate Bullbars, Custom Alloy Tray from Duralloy and TommyGate. Looking forward to seeing this one out on the road! Thanks again from Andrew and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations Ramesh from VEDCO Industrial Systems on taking delivery of this Canter 815 Factory Tipper 6Sp Duonic to add to his growing fleet. Thank you to Auto Accessory Solutions for fitting this one out with a retractable tarp, towbar, and electric brakes. Thanks again from Andrew and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane and we look forward to helping you in the future.
Congratulations to Jake and the team at Foxy Home Staging on taking delivery of 2 new Canter 815 Duonic’s fitted with Pantech Bodies & Tuck-Away Loaders from Alltruck Bodies and Polished Alloy Bullbar from Ultimate Bullbars. Thanks from Andrew and Daimler Trucks Brisbane, we can’t wait to see these out on the road.
Congratulations to Gerard and the team at Indoor Plant Solutions on taking delivery of this very tidy new Fuso Canter 615 Duonic fitted with a 6 pallet curtain side body and cantilever tailgate loader. The signage looks great! Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations to Dan and the team at Apollo Patios on taking delivery of this very smart Fuso Fighter FM1627 Auto fitted with a Fassi crane and 9m steel tray. We’re glad we could come up with this solution for you and look forward to seeing it out on the road. Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations to Jamie from J & J Mini Excavations for taking delivery of this new Fuso Canter 815 Factory Tipper. We appreciate your ongoing support. Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
What’s better than a customer with two Fuso Shogun’s?
A customer with THREE Fuso Shogun’s!!
Congratulations to Ash and Ang on taking delivery of this shiny new Fuso Shogun 510 fitted with a steel tipping body and three axle dog trailer. As always we really appreciate your business and can’t wait to see this one rolling down the road. Thanks again from Simon Smith & the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations to Dirk and Trish from Knijff Earthmoving on taking delivery of the first of your two new Fuso Shogun 360’s fitted with a steel tipper body. We really appreciate your ongoing support and looking forward to see this one and it’s sister on the road in the coming weeks. Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane
Another FUSO Canter 515 fitted with alloy tray, ladder racks & towbar on the road! Huge THANK YOU Daimler Trucks Brisbane to the whole Team at Elite Aluminium Concepts – Noel, Sheena, Tanya & Richard on their new truck. Bought & Delivered within a week with the support of Daimler Trucks Financial Services.
A very big congratulations to Jitendra from Jeets Enterprises for taking delivery of this very smart Fuso Shogun 510 fitted with a steel tipper body and three axle dog trailer.
Also thanks to AA Diesel Truck Bodies and Auto Accessory Solutions for helping to get this one put together.
We’re definitely looking forward to seeing this one out on the road. Thanks again from Simon and the team and Daimler Trucks Brisbane!
We love helping our customers grow their fleet. Congratulations to Nathan and Brooke from Crete Construct for taking delivery of this new Fuso Canter 918 fitted with a 5.8m tray. We really appreciate the ongoing support and look forward to seeing this one on the road. Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Go Lions, Brisbane Lions 🦁 Today our team delivered this Fuso 515 Canter to Followmont Transport in conjunction with the Brisbane Lions.
A great initiative between Followmont Transport and Brisbane Lions that we are gratefully to be part of. Massive thank you to Followmont Transport for organising and getting this truck ready.
A very big thank you to Harry and Gary from Local Freight for their ongoing support of Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Harry and Gary just took delivery of this very impressive Fuso Fighter FN2427 Auto fitted with a 14 pallet curtain side body and 2 tonne cantilever tailgate loader.
Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
It has been a busy November for Brendan Palmer and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane, handing over some of these Trucks before the holiday period.
A great mix of new & old customers receiving their new trucks for the end of year rush & to start 2024 ready to go!
Our latest delivery for our awesome customer D&G Logistics Pty Ltd.
Congratulations to Dhillon & the D&G Logistics Team on another couple of deliveries! These cracking Mercedes-Benz 2663 GigaSpace cabs are the first two of 5 for this new cab addition to the fleet.
D&G said "It is always a pleasure dealing with Brock McGarity and it is great to embed Mercedes-Benz Trucks deeper into our business as a long term partner."
We wish D&G all the best and thank you for the ongoing partnership with Velocity Truck Centre’s SEQ Branches, Daimler Trucks Brisbane and Daimler Trucks Gold Coast
Congratulations to Keshia & Chris on taking delivery of your new Fuso Shogun 400.
This truck is fitted with a Hardox tipper bin as well as full mine spec accessories.
We’re sure this one will fit into your fleet very nicely!
Thanks again from Simon & the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations to Brad from S.E.S Safe Environmental Services on taking delivery of this ripping little Fuso Canter 615 Factory Tipper.
This one has 650mm side height extensions, 400mm rear height extension, custom retractable tarp plus other goodies.
We’re sure this one will fit into your fleet very nicely.
Happy trucking!
Thanks again from Simon & the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations to CMPT on taking delivery of this seriously cool Fuso Shogun 400 fitted with a 14 pallet curtainside body & 10 pallet dog trailer. We’re sure that this will rig will fit in nicely with Australia’s largest pallet manufacturer.
Thanks again from Simon & the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane
Congratulations to Shawn from Diesel 2 U on taking delivery of this neat little Canter 515 City Cab fitted with an MNF alloy tray. Shawn is excited to be upgrading from his ute and trailer and the payload of 2.2 tonne on this little beauty means his life will be a whole lot easier. We look forward to seeing you out on the road. Thanks again from Simon and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane.
Congratulations Jayson from Onform Constructions Pty Ltd on taking delivery of this kitted out Fuso Canter 815 Factory Tipper 6Sp Duonic. Huge thank you to Auto Accessory Solutions for supply and fitment of Towbar, Electric Brakes, Anderson Plug, UHF, Beacon Light, and Removable Ladder Rack. This one is ready to get to work! Thanks again from Andrew and the team at Daimler Trucks Brisbane and we look forward to assisting with the next one.